i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 2:34:15 GMT
shiv Avatar




NIGHT FALLS UPON SLATEPORT'S MARKET. as stars scatter into the moonlit landscape, hoennians draw up their lanterns. the warm glow of lamps adorn the expanded plaza with the humid gaiety of a coming new year.[break][break][break]

having been destroyed in the past by the rocket invasion, city planners have sought to restore the market to its former glory. however, as a symbol of resilience, they have redeveloped the market into a grand expanse of commerce and merryment. larger than its past incarnation, slateport's market changes into a labyrinthe of celebration and into an icarian monument every night. for in the distance, even the lighthouse rises taller than ever before.[break][break]


atop the lighthouse's peak, a tall metal pole is affixed. at its top, a kaleidoscope of LED lamps fitted into a grandiose time ball awaits midnight. on one side, it features the logos of the mossdeep space center and of the aether foundation. the ornament descends slowly, signalling to everyone the inevitable turn of the year. when it reaches the crown of the lighthouse, the ball will announce the new year's arrival with aplomb.[break][break]

your characters are at one end of the slateport market: the furthest point away from the lighthouse. even at one extremity, the aisles are full of celebrants (the packed capacity of the market is the reason why the event planners have limited entrants' carrying pokemon to three). vendors waft the oily scents of their fried goods and red bean pastries. others invite attendees for games, rewarding children with magikarp and the occasional, rare feebas. however, one vendor, with a voice hoarse from crying out headlines, hands out papers of the hoenn news network.[break][break][break]


suddenly, a large shearing noise howls above the crowds. for a moment, you may believe to be a firecracker- or an early firework. however, the screech's high-pitched tones give way to a terrifying bass. the noise continues far longer than the brief beauty of a firework, and as people discover the cause of this auditory gore, the market erupts into screaming. above everyone, a wormhole opens, casting frantic lights across the horde of scrambling, sweaty bodies.[break][break]


a lanky creature leaps out of the rift. its head spins comedically as it lands on a stall in the middle of the market. one of its hands covers where its mouth could be, as if curiously examining the patrons huddled in the street below. this beast is not a giant. it's not as imposing as mossdeep's intruders. in fact, it is almost human, despite its featureless orb. the crowds stop in dumbfounded stasis. an eerie silence descends, like the curious snow of hoenn's unnatural winter. many are left wondering... is this a clown?[break][break]


the beast leans back and raises its hands to its head. the crowd's eyes widen as the clown pries its polka-dotted head from its collar. several children and pokemon begin to cry. the gangly alien lifts a finger as if to shush them while the other hand balances its "head" on its palm. suddenly, the head expands exponentially. then again. then again. it replaces the moon. blots out the sky.[break][break]


then it explodes. life is silenced by the detonation's squall. stalls flatten underneath the surge of flame as sharp daggers of wood and glass scatter through the air.[break][break]

how will you take cover?


please ROLL in your post alongside one action your character will take to save themselves from the blast. the next mod post will be on 1/7 PST.


below are several guidelines and notes you must follow and consider for the raid. please pm if you have any other questions. these guidelines will be trimmed or omitted for future mod posts in this event.[break][break][break]

  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.
  • ensure that you have updated your sign-up post with your 3 pokemon & their movesets.
  • please try to post for every round of posting. if you miss a few rounds of posting, that is no issue. however, depending on the mod post, the mod may determine what happens to your character should you miss the round.
  • missing too many rounds will result in lesser rewards or no rewards.
  • rolls will not be the sole determiner of outcomes. depending on player actions or assistance from other characters, you may be able to change your characters' and their pokemon's fate!

link to event sign-up page:

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 3:45:52 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

When word broke out that the Commissioner was sighted around Slateport, Thomas hurried over there. Riding on the back of his Hydreigon, the trainer quickly flew over to the Night Market. The bad news was that Slateport Market would be crowded tonight, given that New Year festivities would be taking place. This meant that he could only bring along three Pokemon, lest he bring unwanted heat onto himself, and the Commissioner, should he find her first. The good news was that the crowds would be easy enough to blend into, that he could potentially use them to make an escape with her.

As the trainer arrived on the outskirts of the festivities, where he'd have to go on foot in order to proceed, he would spot the strange clown-like being in the middle of the festival, taking its head off, and expanding it like a balloon. "What the fu-", Thomas started, before the explosion. Thomas, who had just gotten off the back of the dragon, was knocked down to his back by the explosion. The trainer stared up blankly and helplessly into the sky as his hearing had been reduced to a high-pitched ringing, internally yelling at himself to get to his feet, but to no avail.

As the situation turned into complete madness, and shrapnel flew everywhere, Kalameet acted fast. Focusing for a moment, the dark dragon attempted to erect an Earth Power wall, hunkering down as soon as it was formed, and attempting to shield his master from the blast, using his body, should the Earth Power barrier fail.


tags: @tag
notes: Hydreigon attempts to form an Earth Power barricade to shield himself and Thomas from the blast
1 Salac Berry used

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 4:32:14 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Last spotted near Slateport.

Orion glances up from the newspaper as if expecting the fugitive commissioner to appear in front of him. She doesn't, of course, and he drags a hand through already messy hair. He'd shown up to the festival mostly as security, but it had been a quiet night.

He thinks that won't last long.

He's right, but not for the reasons he'd expect.

Wincing as a high-pitched screech assaults his ears, his gaze shifts up as the sky itself is rendered asunder. As the alien creature makes its entrance, the quick reflexes of a ranger come in handy: Orion's fingers curl around his Swampert's ball and send the dual-type grumbling into the crowded market.

He goes deaf.

Orion hits the deck as the explosion rips its way outward; his Swampert is the only thing between him and the encroaching wall of fire. Swampert is a boulder, stoic and unmoving, bracing its wide forelimbs against the earth and throwing up a WIDE GUARD to protect itself and its trainer (and, by proxy, anyone within range) from harm.

Orion's ears are ringing, skin scraping against rough earth. He braces himself.

- sends out his swampert when the wormhole appears
- dives behind swampert after the explosion
- swampert has the ability damp
- swampert uses wide guard to protect itself/those nearby

[newclass=.orion] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.orion b] color: #9e76b1; [/newclass]
[newclass=.orion i] color: #9e76b1; font-style: italic; [/newclass]
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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 4:39:59 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


A festival. A common occurrence back in Alola, as those festivals were meant to be offerings to the Tapus or to be thankful about certain things. Seeing something similar in Hoenn? That was a refreshing sight for the Alolan Avenger. Of course, he could not miss that fabulous event. The man cancelled anything he had planned for the day and flew upon Blaze, his Charizard, to arrive in time for the festivities.[break][break]

The Wannabe Dragon and his master landed at the entrance of Slateport at the beginning of the night, far away from the lighthouse. "Thanks for the ride, Blaze. Get some rest for now, I'll make you join the festivities later." The dragon emitted a low cute roar as it got recalled into his pokeball. The alolan man began to look around the stands, taking some food to enjoy.[break][break]

That was, until the commotion began. As a hole opened in the skin and a creature dropped from it, people seemed to go crazy. Screams and cries for help resonated in the crowd as people began to run for their lives. Not long after, a gigantic sphere emerged from the stands, growing a bit more before exploding with such force that the shock-wave could be felt in the whole city.[break][break]

As Balder saw the sphere expand, he immediately grabbed Solgaleo's pokeball and called him onto the field. The mighty lion roared towards the sky as it observed the exploding sphere, eyes squinted as if he knew what that could be. "Leo, cover us! We need a good protection to cover those behind us too!" The lion nodded, placing itself near a wall of earth that a Hydreigon made, and Balder later noticed it was Thomas' pokemon. Then, the solar creature proceeded to roar, making his mane emit light that solidified itself before him and extended on the sides and to the sky for a really long distance: the effect of the mode Wide Guard. Hopefully, this would be enough to contain the explosion.[break][break]




[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Used Wide Guard to complement Earth Power's wall and protect more peeps.
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 5:04:02 GMT
Deleted Avatar


Almost overnight Slateport's marketplace transformed into a massive festival with vibrant lights hanging every and plenty of stalls to shop from. The festivities in Hoenn are proving to be much larger and filled with activities than those back in Galar - a difference that he's starting to grow rather fond of. Eagerly stopping by each stall with jubilation, he buys a handful of snacks.

With snacks in tow, he cautiously maneuvers around the large crowd, ensuring that nothing haphazardly spills or drops to the ground. His lips curve up to a wide grin as he spots a familiar face and waves over to him. Waving an arm, he yells over to the man. "HEY RANGER!"

He tries to hustle over gently pushing his way through the mass of people, yet as he finally gets closer a strange whizzing sound can be heard and a strange portal suddenly appears overhead. His eyes widen in bewilderment and disbelief as he's unable to comprehend the strange phenomenon. In almost an instant, a strange lanky creature jumps out from the portal and seemingly lifts its head. It grows and grows until suddenly it explodes! Fire wrings out destroying the stalls.

Seeing the ranger suddenly call out his Swampert and has it guard against the fire, Pierce drops everything, diving behind the massive shield suddenly erected before him. Sweat drips down from his face as he looks upwards at Orion rattled by the sudden attack. While he thought nothing about the gargantuan dragon, this was completely different experience.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he yells, reaching out for his pokeball.


tldr; pierce dives behind orion & his swampert to avoid the explosion.

[newclass=.pierce] width:300px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; [/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 5:28:43 GMT
Deleted Avatar

She had been here with Knox, but somehow got separated from him after using the washroom. Eden spends her time alone perusing the stalls, smiling softly at all the little trinkets and baubles that could be bought, before glancing up at all the commotion.

Some sort of portal has opened, and out walks... A clown? No... Something is strange about it. She moves, pulling out the three pokeballs that she's actually brought with her - giving her main kiddos a night off. She releases Hyperia first, her fennekin, because the little one has a nose for sniffing out Knox when he's off on some wild goose hunt.

But then things go south really fast, and stalls are leveled in an explosion. In a moment of panic, Hyperia has stood in front of Eden, using magic coat to make sure the initial blast wouldn't injure her trainer. Eden gasps and scoops her up among the wreckage and carries her away, the thin, shimmer purple banner of protection disappearing as soon as she's lifted. "Time to go!" She runs towards some wood that's been slammed into another stall, standing between the two wrecks to shield herself from any further attacks.

Not that it'll do much good, but she can at least try.


tldr fennekin protected her with magic coat
eden ran tf away to take cover under some wreckage
keeping an eye open for knox

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 6:25:34 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


"COME GET YER WISHING STAR NOODLES HERE!" undercover work wasn't something kazimir really did a whole lot of. he was the type of guy who was pretty upfront about how he approached his work with a very straightforward handling of it. however today was slateport was holding a festival where the fugitive commissioner of the league was apparently spotted. he wasn't familiar with her but he knew that finding her was probably really important, which is why he was disguised as one of the vendors along with his trusty staryu by his side acting as a sort of mascot for his stall he made yakisoba noodles for people while keeping an eye out for things.

well a giant ass hole in the sky was something that was hard to ignore. and there was something about this hole that looked awfully familiar too.

"what the..." out came a pokemon, or so it looked like one, that found its footing in the middle of the marketplace and just caught the attention of everyone around it. that's when it did something. rip off its own head and let it enlarge in the palm of its hand. and it got bigger. and bigger!

that's when the sirens in kazimirs' head rang out as he ducked under the stall to grab a bag that was sitting at his feet. "LIGHT SCREEN-" the staryu was quick on the draw as a translucent rectangle formed in front of the very stall the two were manning as the explosion came and blew debris and hot air at them.

    + disguised as a yakisoba noodle vendor
    + has hyah use light screen to set up a defense around the stall.



[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #44d4e4; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:left; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 7:36:32 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

The air around her is void of her usual signs of entry onto the scene. Silent steps skulk about the night market, her Zoroark behind her. The creature has put up an illusion field around them, ensuring that the rest of the world interacts with a small child that is not worthy of note. Her name is Marie and she's trying to find a gift for ma for new years.

A gift indeed, but it's certainly not for any mother she's ever known.

That matters little however, as she soon finds her mundane perusing of the stalls to be interrupted by something they've all seen before. Dark eyes reach for the sky and she watches as it rips asunder.

The woman is sorely disappointed in what it produces, it shows on a face no one can see bellow the illusion. Eyes narrow, face scrunching around her nose and she keeps herself silent so as not to seem like anything more than a mesmerized child. There are better things the sky could be producing but here they are with a filthy, what? Wanna be clown? Giratina save her.

At least it has some gusto, the tale tell whistle only sounds because the panicking crowd will cover it but the pokemon emerges from her capsule at her waist without hesitation. "Out of range, find cover." The gardevoir reaches for both her and the zoroark that huddles as close as it can be, they blink out of sight, and she hopes the pokemon can manage to find a safe spot to land.

>>Isra's zoroark is using it's illusion ability!
>>Isra looks like a child to onlookers!
>>Isra's gardevoir uses teleport to either take them out of range/to rooftops out of the way of the blast or to find cover whichever is most plausible!


[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #8e4e5d;[/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 8:06:47 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Without family or friends to enjoy the evening festivities with, Remiel had decided to come to the festival in Slateport and see what the city had to offer during such celebratory times. His expectations were most certainly blown out of the water by the magnitude of its activity, decoration, and well-funded splendor. Dressed in a dark grey double-breasted peacoat, denim jeans, and black boots, Remy had meandered and visited several stalls that had caught his interest amongst the boisterous crowds. After partaking in a steamy dumpling, he was glad he'd worn his contacts today— the delicious treat would have fogged up his glasses otherwise.

As he browsed the wares of a festive mask shop, a strange sound captured his attention. He wasn't sure what Hoennian fireworks sounded like, having never experienced one in person, but he was almost certain they didn't sound like that. The moment he spotted what appeared to be a portal, however, a strong sense of dread prompted him to reach for one of the three pokéballs clipped to his belt. As people screamed and created distance between themselves and the anomaly, Remiel summoned forth his Flygon, Psamathe1.

He'd made it a point to keep an eye out for this 'commissioner' everybody had been looking for. But he hadn't been expecting this at all, especially as a strange-looking being leaped out. The realization suddenly hit him that this was more than likely one of those infamous 'ultra beasts', such as the ones that had reportedly invaded Mossdeep City not long ago. It was only then that he knew what he had to do. After swiping a traditional kitsune mask from the stall nearby and putting it on, Remiel stepped up onto his Flygon's thigh and hooked an arm around her neck. Meanwhile, the fleeing crowd was coming their way.

He stayed calm despite it.

"Psamathe, rise."

Doing as she was told, even without a single flap of her melodious wings, the Flygon effortlessly levitated into the air and took them both out of the crowd's escape path. Not only that, but Remiel now had a clear line of sight at the inter-dimensional creature. And, though he was typically void of expression, seeing it take off its own head and expand it brought a gleam of amazement to his eyes. He'd never seen anything like it before.

Unfortunately, his wonder was cut short when he realized no good would come of the pulsating 'head'. It radiated with energy and danger like a bomb.

"Psamathe, DIG!"

Remiel hastily commanded, wrapping both arms around its neck firmly as it promptly dove downward and began to dig faster than he'd ever seen anything dig before2. If it managed to seize enough time before the blast, the Flygon would then sink into the hole itself, spreading out its wings to shield her master from shrapnel and other debris that could possibly fall in as well. 

1 Remy sends out Flygon after the portal opens, and he places on a festive mask.
2 Flygon used Dig to provide cover for Remy, using its wings to shield him as a precaution!


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 9:31:03 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Savory morsels slip down his throat as he indulges himself the fair's fried delicacies, reveling with the other celebrants as they honor the turn of the decade. It's enough to make even the sourest of moods turn, being around the vibrant lights and enthused crowds, watching kids running amok playing every game they happen across.

Even he's tried his hand at a few of them, though he's taken only small novelty trinkets away as his prizes, including a lucky charm strapped to a chintzy bracelet. And he's wearing it, of course.

Casting a glance towards the direction of the clock tower, he considers what next to do with his remaining time. Fishing around in his pockets determines he can't do anything too expensive.

While he's preoccupied, a rift forms over the festivities, causing an uproar as many recognize the telltale signs. Himself ignorant to its meaning, he watches in awe, but his reaction is underwhelming compared to the shrieks and scrambling of those closest. The first shrill cry makes his gut twist into knots, a cold sweat overcoming him, his breathing withheld.

This thing, he can't describe how, yet it is a vexing creature borne of some clandestine eccentricity alien to their world. Its cynical purpose is veiled by its duplicitous appearance, an outwardly whimsical behavior obstructing an ulterior motive as its body becomes bloated in what seems to be some gag.

But nobody could muster so much as a halfhearted chortle before it became monstrously distorted, enough so that every instinct, every fiber of one's being could only scream out in some primal sense: Danger. He is not among the first to react, being so far away as to feel some false semblance of security, but even the distance is not enough to mitigate his chiefest mistake of not fleeing at once upon witnessing this garish beast's visage.

As the beast's head ruptures, its combustion not unlike a burning zeppelin, what can only be described as hellfire and mortar explodes outwardly from its epicenter. The light of the inferno dances in his eyes as he remains transfixed, feeling somehow removed from his senses by the disaster unfolding before him, helpless even as the heat expansion causes a shock wave that rolls over those in its vicinity.

The blaze sweeps ever onward, Adrian catatonic in his response as he seemingly resigns to his fate, or perhaps feels himself too removed from the calamitous event to fall victim to it even as the flames begin to scorch the air, inducing tearing. At this rate he's doomed to burn, watching as his fate finally found him, a deer in the headlights.

Licking tongues of flame are but a block away from Adrian, scouring the area of life when finally the call for action finds him, giving him the strength and courage to break past the fear gripping him. An errant finger nudges a pokeball, unleashing the only pokemon with a chance of turning things around. Adrian's shiny Gyarados, Furor, emerges.

Met with the wall of fire, Gyarados does what little it can, causing the sky around it to darken with clouds of rain that drizzle faintly over its surroundings. Hardly a stopgap to the inferno.

Its resplendent figure dwarfs Adrian, yet it in turn is also trivialized by the daunting scale of the firestorm. With a regal cry it coils around its trainer in a desperate attempt to safeguard him, leaving itself forfeit to the flames, the beast loosing agonized, guttural howls whose sounds are dulled by the fires burning wild all around them.

Adrian is in darkness, accompanied by his trepidation and the sinking sense of guilt for subjecting Furor to this hellish outcome.


tl;dr Gyarados used Rain Dance.

Adrian's using his Gyarados in much a similar way to how Sasuke used Manda against Deidara's kinjutsu explosion, but 1) I swear they're on better terms and 2) Gyarados is resistant so the damage is kinda sorta mostly superficial... I think. Hope.
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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
181 posts
marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2020 14:55:07 GMT
marie jules Avatar

Her presence had been cloaked within others, the disguise of a civilian making her blend in as easily as any other.

The only reason she had come to this gathering was to collect intel on the whereabouts of the commissioner, a confirmation or refutation of a well known rumour being the only thing she had needed before making any further moves.

She had expected this to be a simple shut and close case, her either finding the commissioner and doing the woman in herself or finding not hide or hair of the woman and leaving things as they were.

But it seemed fate had other plans in store.

Another one of those extraterrestrial things had appeared- this one just as terrible as the last- causing a scene that would make any flee in horror. And she did, following the crowd until she could properly make her way to an escort Gardevoir, teleporting herself a distance away from the creature while staying in sight of the attractions.

She still needed to survey the aftermath after all.

tl;dr- in disguise and keeping an eye out for the commish

teleports away with a Gardevoir when the fun starts

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 0:54:43 GMT
Deleted Avatar


she doesn't know what a wormhole looks like. [break][break]

but seeing the number of people around her getting themselves ready, she assumed that she should, as well. Just when she thought that it was over, squeals and cries echo throughout the air and she has to wince and hold her hands to take cover from the stinging. Another glance up, and she finds herself speechless in the presence of something resembling a clown with a ball for a head. Terrifyingly enough, it removes its own head, and she's quick to pull out two of her pokemon; a metagross and a tiny togedemaru to perch on top of her head. [break][break]

and when it goes boom, her first reaction was to hide behind someone or something. The biggest thing or person happened to be the trainer with the sun pokemon - and so she jumped behind with her metagross trying to cover her. [break][break]

"theta, spiky shield!" she commands. the tiny, steel/electric type lets out a cry, creating a green, spiked, dome-like shield around the trainer.


- tries to hide behind solgaleo & [break]
- togedemaru uses spiky shield [break]
- metagross is using the steel body to protect nicole from above


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twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
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TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 1:06:22 GMT
knox prescott Avatar
[attr="class","knoxpost"]there are moving pieces. higher-ups know when these things are about to happen. he tells himself that he stays out of the game, but he knows it's not true. he's too smart for that. and he knows he's a pawn, that he's put in the firing lines, sent where destruction will carve its relentless demise among the majority of them without a second's thought.

he simply can't find the will to care. 

captain sits on his shoulder, restless, tail twitching. static crackles off of her cheeks, giving away her nervousness. he hasn't spoken a word to eden this entire time.

not about his meeting with his sister. not about his start again fail again try again flop again attempts at going sober for good. 

he ends up away from her because he's a little off-kilter, a little not right. there's a funny taste on his tongue and colors are too bright (and is there more? another one he hasn't discovered yet? that no one's discovered yet?) 

captain is the one who notices before the people start running, before the explosion. she chitters hastily in his ear and blasts a light screen as a barrier as knox dives under some of the market stalls. 

he spots eden a distance away from him and yells for her. 

captain uses light screen against the blast!
knox dives out of the way!
knox calls out to eden!

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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 1:59:08 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


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why. why was she in slateport? olivia grimaced as she rolled the window down of the slick black limousine that was taking her to the new year's festival. the salty scent of sea water reached her as they sped past the glittering lights and cheers of crowds, many waving and cheering as they went by. the sigil of the crown was embellished on the vehicle and the people of slateport had not forgotten how the sea mistress had saved them from the mutant tentacruel.

yet could she save them from their own commissioner? from dahlia? olivia flicked the switch for the automated window, not wanting to see their faces. the same question kept running in her head: could dahlia be saved from herself? at last, they came to a stop and olivia ascended from the leather seats. she was wrapped in faux furs with a sheer midnight blue gown underneath, her silver high heels clicking against the sidewalk as she looked about.

and there they were. her peers, having heard the rumors of dahlia's appearance they appeared en masse. she approached who was, unsurprisingly, eating. it had been some time since the two had spoken and olivia wished their meeting were better fated. yet, before she could even say hello, a wormhole ripped through reality. from it a... clown stepped forth, wriggling about freely. her azure eyes widen as it lifts its 'head' and the sphere begins to balloon up whilst children cry.

"no." she whispered, hands reaching for a pokeball and releasing her kingler. it happened in the blink of an eye as that multicolored sphere exploded. instinctively, her crab pokemon created a barrier to halt the blast protecting those behind it: mainly olivia, but any other civilians should be saved so long as they were behind the protect. olivia brought her arms over her face defensively as the blast roared through the market and she fumbled for her phone.

"issue an evacuation for the entire city. i want crown personnel here at once ." olivia barked over the phone before hanging up. this beast appeared on top of the dahlia sighting? what more could go wrong.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia arrived! in style
+ olivia approached balder!
+ kingler used protect!
+ OZT0b5Wr

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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 7:46:33 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
If Annie had paid more attention to the news, she would’ve known to run as soon as the wormhole appeared. Instead, she found herself fixed in place, enamoured by the sight of a gangly beast performing some sort of party trick. Her mouth was slightly agape, partly out of surprise, partly out of wonder for the beast that seemed to defy the basic rules of a Pokemon, and partly because she’d been reaching to eat some cotton candy when it arrived.

Gemini snapped her out of her daze, its gem flashing colours that Annie had come to understand as ‘danger’. Rapidly. Voices she vaguely recognized ordered their Pokemon to summon a defence. Annie felt a pit in her stomach, but she’d saved herself enough times before to not let that stop her.

Still, it’s by pure circumstance that she isn’t caught in the blast. Earth Power and Wide Guard appeared before her and blocked her view, but she didn’t need to see much to understand what came after. Beyond the barriers, the world was claimed by flames. Her ears rang. Shock ran through her, and then adrenaline, forcing her to do something, anything. She opted to call out a mysterious beast of her own. How exactly Frankie could help, she didn’t know, but its strength would surely be needed soon. The Type:Null stood beside and in front of her, a silent vanguard and a stark contrast to her wide-eyed, startled self.

“What do we do now?!”
She called towards the older, and presumably more experienced trainers that had saved her life. She didn’t seem to be in a hurry to acknowledge that, but hopefully the two would understand her panic. “And what the hell is- was that thing?!”


TL;DR: Annie is protected by and 's defenses (and by extension, is near @nicole and . She looks to the former two for advice.


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The Enroi Region
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